Project Lead
Emmanuelle Waeckerlé is a London based academic, artist, composer and improviser interested in the materiality and musicality of language. She is Reader in Fine Art and Relational Practices and director of bookRoom at UCA Farnham, bookRoom, fostering a dialogue between high quality practice, critical research and teaching across and between Fine art and Experimental Music. Her practice and research evolve across multiple interconnected work zones – conceptual writing, performance, new musical composition, artist-publishing, curating ( concert series, Cosy Nook). Her music and scores are distributed by Wandelweiser editions.
Latest publications are:
Will Montgomery is Reader in contemporary poetry and poetics at Royal Holloway. He has a special interest in the relationship between text scores and poetry and, as well as conventional academic criticism, he is involved in practice-based research, both as teacher and practitioner. He has published on the literary qualities of text scores and curated several events on this topic, both academic and performance-oriented.
His most recent publications are the essay collection Writing the Field Recording: Sound, Word Environment (co-edited with Stephen Benson, Edinburgh UP, 2018) and Short Form American Poetry: the Modernist Tradition (Edinburgh UP, 2020).