Walking in Air in the London Open Form Pavilion

2023, Traces

of local fieldwork in Kensington Gardens and Cornwall. 08-10/09/2023.


We undertook local fieldwork in two locations on the same week-end (08-10/09/2023) and under Robert Curgenven Open Form Pavilion of Air : Robert in Cornwall while Emmanuelle, Will and his son Kip went to Kensington Gardens near the Serpentine Gallery. We set a deadline for the completion of traces a few weeks after that. Our prompts, chosen for optional orientation in our walks, were the following:

Park fenced with what it is winning, to keep local signals thinly home rather than universal directions out’. (Peter Larkin, Imparkments (the Surrogate has Settled)

To accept the ground./ To go to it as a question./ To open up the day inside the day,/ a bubble holding air/ bending the vista to it’. (Peter Gizzi, ‘Stung’, Sky Burial)

Robert Curgenven

Robert submitted an illustrated text relating his thinking and experience of walking in air under his pavilion of air in Cornwall

Will Montgomery

Will contributed a text with  images taken as he walked around Kensington Gardens under Robert’s pavilion of air.

Emmanuelle Waeckerlé


Emmanuelle mostly walked around a very big and old chestnut tree. Her walk led to an audio recording of her thinking aloud, a transcription of it framed by two reflective texts and a video of her thinking aloud and whistlewalking under Robert’s Pavilion of Air.

Details of our fieldwork are here.

More on Robert Curgenven’s Open Form Pavilion of Air series  here